call of duty - Page 2

Read Article Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Pre-orders are low
Read Article Younger Audiences don’t know about WW1 according to EA
Read Article The Worst Ports of Call of Duty Out There
Read Article Call of Duty: Black Ops is Backwards Compatible on Xbox One Starting Right Now!
Read Article Stay the same or shake up the formula: how can Call Of Duty keep fans happy?
Read Article Call of Duty 4 remaster to include multiplayer support
Read Article Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare will likely get remastered alongside next CoD
Read Article Fans send mixed signals about DOOM beta
Read Article Activision Publisher Weekend on Steam – up to 80% off on popular titles.
Read Article Call of Duty 2016… is in Space? Here’s What I Want to See This Year


Read Article Top 7 PS4 Multiplayer games for 2015
Read Article How to Win Call of Duty: Ghosts Clan Wars and Get the Body Count Set
Read Article Respawn Entertainment’s Titanfall Leaks; I Bet They’re Pissed