There are a lot of points of interest to check out across the DMZ map, and you’ll probably one to check them all out. One example of which are hospitals. Here’s where you can find all hospitals in Call of Duty: DMZ.
Where to Find All Hospitals in DMZ
In Call of Duty: DMZ, you want to seek out hospitals as they reliably offer you healing supplies. As you’ve surely noticed, Warzone — the mode in which DMZ takes place — is quite a hostile environment with several other squads of players looking to take you and your friends out. As a result, firefights are inevitable and you’ll need to have things such as self-revive kits, large medical bags, and other materials of the sort at the ready in case of a mishap.
However, unlike some POIs in Warzone, hospitals won’t appear on the map. Instead, you and your squad will have to venture out and find them yourself. But worry not, we scoured Al Mazrah so you don’t have to.
Where to Find Hospitals in DMZ
In total, there are 6 hospitals you can find in DMZ. These hospitals are in various locations spread out across the map but are mostly found on the outskirts of major towns. Here are the locations where you can find these hospitals along with their coordinates according to the in-game map:
- West of Rohan Oil (C3): The northernmost hospital in the game, found along the road west of Rohan Oil next to a gas station.
- Sa’id City Hospital (D6): Located near the water in the southernmost part of Sa’id City.
- Hospital in Sawah Village (D8): Located a the southern tip of Sawah Village, near the sunken ship in the water.
- Hospital on Outskirts (H5/H6): This one is tricky due to it being to the east of two major towns — Al Sharim Pass and Ahkdar Village — about where the H5 and H6 coordinates meet, north of the Airport.
- Hospital east of Marshlands (H5): Near the Outskirts Hospital, there is a hospital east of the Mawizeh Marshlands. It is situated in the easternmost city in the game, on the west side of the major road leading into Al Mazrah City.
- Hospital near Al Mazrah City (G5): Surely one of the busier hospitals in the game, this one is situated just south of Al Mazrah City, just north of the Mawizeh Marshlands.
These are all hospital locations in Call of Duty: DMZ. For more tips related to Call of Duty: Warzone, check out our guides and where to find the Konni Soldiers or what the best AR in the game is.