The Riftbreaker has a lot to offer in terms of mechanics, and the community has taken much of the game into its own hands as with any release with mod capabilities these days. Many of the game's more frustrating facets can be dealt with through mods, and some can add further gameplay elements to spice things up.
In this list we'll show you 11 of the best mods in The Riftbreaker, for the time being. The game still has a plenty of ways it can grow, but there are already some impressive offerings from the game's modding community.

Bigger Storage Mod
Being able to store more energy, liquid, solid materials, and ammo can play a huge role in the success of your campaign in The Riftbreaker.
The problem is that you will have to significantly expand your base and spend even more resources, if you want to achieve this in the vanilla version.
This mod removes all that unnecessary work and simply gives you a lot of extra storage space without the need to expand your base.

Long Range Energy Mod
Collecting and preserving energy can be a tough call, and that's why having efficient energy connectors can either make or break the deal.
This mod increases the max distance of energy connectors from 5 tiles to 10, which is a huge difference once you try it out.
On top of that, it will regenerate your health at the speed of 1HP per second as a nice little bonus from the mod creator.

Bioscanner Speed Mod
Bioscanner is an absolutely essential item for cultivating new materials, but every The Riftbreaker player knows just how long and grindy the Bioscanner can be.
The Bio Speed mod fixes this issue and allows you to manually control the speed of scanning at the following rates:
- x2
- x5
- x10
- Instant
Now you can direct the progress of your research on your own terms.

Massive Repair Mod
It seems that the developer has made a lot of things grindy on purpose in The Riftbreaker, including the repair bots and the speed they work at.
The new mod from MKeller25 will give you a whole new infrastructure of repair bots that can now be deployed up to 20 units at once in comparison to just one puny bot in the vanilla version of the game.

Geoscanner Tweak Mod
While the problem with Boscanner was its unbearably long scanning times, the real issue with the Geoscanner is the range it covers while treasure hunting.
The Geoscanner Tweak mod increases the range significantly, so now you can search for valuable materials much more effectively. This one not only saves you time, but also makes you money.

Bioscanner Speed Mod
Bioscanner is an absolutely essential item for cultivating new materials, but every The Riftbreaker player knows just how long and grindy the Bioscanner can be.
The Bio Speed mod fixes this issue and allows you to manually control the speed of scanning at the following rates:
- x2
- x5
- x10
- Instant
Now you can direct the progress of your research on your own terms.

No Random Weapons Mod
When crafting any gear or weapons on the crafting menu of The Riftbreaker, players will notice that all weapons will have randomly generated damage stats.
This parameter cannot be influenced much in the game, so if you don't want to entrust the success of your campaign into the hands of RNG, then it would be a good idea to install this mod that always sets your crafted weapon damage at max.

Tanky Pipes and Floors Mod
Every The Riftbreaker player who has reached the latter parts of the game, has experienced the devastating effects of aerial damage caused by meteor storms and tornadoes on their bases.
If you want to keep your base well protected from harm, this mod will help you armor it all up so that the damage will be completely eliminated.

Vaporater Mod
This unique mod for The Riftbreaker doesn't change any existing instances in the game, but adds a new type of building: the Vaporater.
This structure is capable of transforming energy into water at the rate of 50 energy to 25 water. With this mod you can have it from the very beginning, and it can play a crucial role in the waterless biomes, such as desert.

Highspeed Drill Mod
Here is another mod that increases the speed of your operations, but this time it's all about mining and ore drilling.
The drill works only at one speed, which is instant, so you won't be able to adjust the speed to your preference. You probably won't have to, as mining is something you do all the time in The Riftbreaker anyway.

Rare Element Synthesizers Mod
There are already several rare elements synthesizers in the game, such as Carbonium and Ironium. But this mod adds some more that will surely make you happy once you get to implement them:
- Cobalt
- Titanium
- Palladium
- Uranium
After installing the mod, all the new synthesizers will be available from the Resource menu in the game.
Those are the best mods for The Riftbreaker, and be sure to check out other guide on our dedicated hub page.