No matter if you’re playing The Texas Chain Saw Massacre as a Victim or a member of the Family, each character has a one-of-a-kind skill. Understanding these is necessary for using these characters in the most efficient way. Here are all of the character abilities in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre detailed so you can have the best chance of surviving or finding your quarry.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: All Character Abilities Detailed
This guide, breaks down all of the character abilities in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre by character grouping: the Victims and the Family. The different levels in their Ability Unlock Tree will also be listed. Use the below link lists to jump to a specific character.
The Victims
The Family
All Victim Abilities in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Each playable Victim has one unique character ability that can help them survive against their would-be killers. A majority of them correlate with their main attribute, but a couple simply provide more freedom in how you play.

Connie benefits from having one of the highest Proficiency attributes among the victims, which means she can handle tasks and heal other victims quickly. Strongly emphasizing this is her Focused ability. It allows her to pick any lock immediately.
- Level 1
- Quicker Recharge Rate: Reduces the ability recharge time to 280 seconds.
- Decreased Stamina Cost: Stamina consumption cost for Focused ability reduced by 15%.
- Shorter Debuff Duration: Once activated, stamina and Family proximity debuff is 20 seconds
- Level 2
- Quicker Recharge Rate: Reduces the ability recharge time to 260 seconds.
- Decreased Stamina Cost: Stamina consumption cost for Focused ability is reduced by 35%. Does not stack.
- Shorter Debuff Duration: Once activated, stamina and Family proximity debuff is 18 seconds
- Level 3
- Quicker Recharge Rate: Reduces the ability recharge time to 240 seconds.
- Decreased Stamina Cost: There is no stamina cost when activating your ability.
- Shorter Debuff Duration: Once activated, stamina and Family proximity debuff is 15 seconds.

Leland leads the group with the Strength attribute, which affects how long he can stun members of the family, as well as perform specific strength-related tasks. His Life Saver ability allows him to charge into a Family member and stun them. This can be used to gain the lead if they’re chasing you or to help one of your fellow victims out of a sticky situation.
- Level 1
- Quicker Recharge: Reduces the ability recharge time to 220 seconds.
- Restore Stamina: After barging a Familiy member, 30 stamina is restored.
- Increased Stun Duration: Barged Family Members will be stunned for 6 seconds.
- Level 2
- Quicker Recharge: Reduces the ability recharge time to 200 seconds.
- Restore Stamina: After barging a Familiy member, 60 stamina is restored.
- Increased Stun Duration: Barged Family Members will be stunned for 7 seconds.
- Level 3
- Quicker Recharge: Reduces the ability recharge time to 180 seconds.
- Concussive Hit: Applies a concussion effect to the knocked down Familiy member.
- Increased Stun Duration: Barged Family Members will be stunned for 8 seconds.

Ana has the highest Toughness attribute in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, which determines how much damage she can take before she’s incapacitated. It also informs her recovery time. Her chances for survival are made that much better with her Pain is Nothing ability, reducing damage from attacks and falls, as well as providing immunity to poison.
- Level 1
- Quicker Recharge Rate: Reduces the ability recharge time to 162 seconds.
- Reduced Damage: Your damage reduction multiplier is set to 70%.
- Increase Duration: Ability lasts for 9 seconds.
- Level 2
- Quicker Recharge Rate: Reduces the ability recharge time to 153 seconds.
- Stamina Hit Recovery: While active, incoming melee attacks will restore small amounts of stamina.
- Increase Duration: Ability lasts for 10 seconds.
- Level 3
- Quicker Recharge Rate: Reduces the ability recharge time to 135 seconds.
- Reduced Damage: Your damage reduction multiplier is set to 80%.
- Increase Duration: Ability lasts for 11 seconds.

Sonny’s best attribute is Endurance, which dictates how much stamina he has and how quickly it will regenerate. His Heightened Sense ability can give him a leg up against the murderous family by allowing him to highlight any nearby noises.
- Level 1
- Increased Range: Increases noise detection range of the ability by 15%.
- Shorter Cooldown: Cooldown before your ability starts recharging is reduced by 1s.
- Ability Drain Reduction: Reduces the consumption rate of the ability by 25%.
- Level 2
- Increased Range: Increases noise detection range of the ability by 25%.
- Shorter Cooldown: Cooldown before your ability starts recharging is reduced by 2s.
- Ability Drain Reduction: Reduces the consumption rate of the ability by 50%.
- Level 3
- Increased Range: Increases noise detection range of the ability by 35%.
- All Knowing: Let the player identify if a noise was made by another Victim or Family member.
- Quicker Recharge Rate: Increases Ability Recharge Rate by 100%. Does not stack.

Julie has the best Stealth attribute, which affects how much noise is made when performing certain tasks, but her ability screams for an Endurance build. The Ultimate Escape reduces how much her stamina drains and makes her harder to track by members of the family.
- Level 1
- Quicker Recharge Rate: Reduces the ability recharge time to 110 seconds.
- Decreased Sprint Stamina: Running stamina consumption is reduced by 50% while ability is active.
- Increase Duration: Ability lasts for 12 seconds.
- Level 2
- Quicker Recharge Rate: Reduces the ability recharge time to 100 seconds.
- Decreased Sprint Stamina: Running stamina consumption is reduced by 75% while ability is active.
- Increase Duration: Ability lasts for 15 seconds.
- Level 3
- Quicker Recharge Rate: Reduces the ability recharge time to 90 seconds.
- Decreased Sprint Stamina: Running stamina consumption is reduced by 100% while ability is active.
- Increase Duration: Ability lasts for 20 seconds.

Like Connie, Danny is all about Proficiency. His ability, Study and Tamper, allows him to tamper with exit interactions, like the valve and fuse box. A tampered exit will stay open significantly longer, all but ensuring more victims can escape.
- Level 1
- Study Time Reduced: Time taken to study objects is reduced by 20%.
- Knowledge Gathered Increased: Knowledge gathered from studying objects is increased by 30%. Does not stack.
- Tamper Minigame Easer: Tampering minigame target is reduced by 6%. Does not stack.
- Level 2
- Study Time Reduced: Time taken to study objects is reduced by 50%.
- Knowledge Gathered Increased: Knowledge gathered from studying objects is increased by 60%. Does not stack.
- Tamper Minigame Easer: Tampering minigame target is reduced by 12%. Does not stack.
- Level 3
- Instant Study: You can instantly study objects with a tap of a button. However, using Instant Study on the Fusebox, Generator, Car Battery or Valve removes the ability to Tamper that object.
- Object Highlight: Objects that can be studied or tampered with are permanently highlighted when approached. The range is also increased.
- You’re the Focus: While tampering with objects both you and the object are highlighted to all Victims.

Inspired and voice by iconic horror actor Barbara Crampton, Virginia debuts with a well-balanced amount of Toughness, Endurance, and Proficiency. Coupled with Virginia’s Boon ability, there are plenty of build-styles to experiment with. Gather powder from stations scattered throughout each map to blind family members and contaminate blood buckets.
- Level 1
- Increase Contamination Duration: increase duration of contamination of blood bucket by 5 seconds.
- Increase Contamination Amount: You can now contaminate 5 buckets instead of 4 per full ability charge.
- Reduce Ability Cooldown: Ability Cooldown Reduction by 20%.
- Level 2
- Increase Contamination Duration: Increase duration of contamination of blood buckets by 10 seconds.
- Increase Powder Cloud Duration: Increase duration of Powder Cloud by 5 seconds.
- Reduce Ability Cooldown: Ability Cooldown Reduction by 40%.
- Level 3
- Cloud Consumes Family Stamina: Powder Cloud consumes Family stamina when inside the cloud.
- Powder Cloud Heals Victims: Powder Cloud heals Victims 3 points per second while inside cloud.
- Reduce Family Blood Vial: Powder Cloud reduces blood vial amount to 0.
All Family Abilities in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Like the Victims, all of the Slaughter Family have their own unique character abilities in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. These, of course, help them track down and kill victims that much more easily. However, as they only have three attributes to work with, these character abilities are less tied to those and more tied to different playstyles.

It’s only natural that Leatherface would focus on his trusty chainsaw. Aside from using it as a weapon, his Maim ability allows him to use the chainsaw to cut down any locked doors or knocked-over obstacles in his path.
- Level 1
- Reduce Chainsaw Overheat: Reduces the chances of overheat from excessive revving by 10%.
- Stalling Resistance: The chainsaw can be used 10% more often before stalling.
- Overheat Reduction: Reduces the overheat cooldown time before you can restart the chainsaw by 15%.
- Level 2
- Reduce Chainsaw Overheat: Reduces the chances of overheat from excessive revving by 20%.
- Stalling Resistance: The chainsaw can be used 20% more often before stalling.
- Overheat Reduction: Reduces the overheat cooldown time before you can restart the chainsaw by 25%.
- Level 3
- Reduce Chainsaw Overheat: Reduces the chances of overheat from excessive revving by 30%.
- Instant Activation: Starts the chainsaw instantly.
- Overheat Reduction: Reduces the overheat cooldown time before you can restart the chainsaw by 35%.

Cook is on the slower side, but he makes up for it by employing tactics similar to Sonny. With the Seek ability, he can listen in for any sounds and focus on them, potentially revealing any nearby victims.
- Level 1
- Reduce Ability Drain: Reduces ability drain by 30%.
- Increase Detection Range: Victim detection range increased by 10%.
- Quicker Recharge Rate: Increases ability bar recharge rate by 33%.
- Level 2
- Reduce Ability Drain: Reduces ability drain by 60%.
- Increase Detection Range: Victim detection range increased by 20%.
- Quicker Recharge Rate: Increases ability bar recharge rate by 60%.
- Level 3
- Increase Focus Speed: Focusing in on a Victim takes half as long.
- Increase Highlight Duration: Successfully highlighted Victims stay marked twice as long.
- All Family See Noise: Highlighted Victims are marked for the entire Family.

The Hitchhiker is who you’ll want to play if you like to plan ahead. His Trap ability does exactly what it sounds like — he can quickly create traps out of bones to stall and injure victims.
- Level 1
- Faster Placement: Increases the speed of setting traps by 10%.
- Increase Escape Difficulty: Breaking free of traps is 19% more difficult for Victims.
- Increased Damage: Increases the amount of damage inflicted on a Victim when snared by 13%.
- Level 2
- Faster Placement: Increases the speed of setting traps by 20%.
- Increase Escape Difficulty: Breaking free of traps is 28% more difficult for Victims.
- Increased Damage: Increases the amount of damage inflicted on a Victim when snared by 33%.
- Level 3
- All Family See Noise: When a Victim is snared, the activated trap is highlighted to all Family members.
- Bloody Traps: If a Victim is caught in a trap, you’ll receive blood after resetting or collecting the trap.
- Bleed Damage: Any victim caught in a trap continues to take damage over a short period of time.

Johnny is the best tracker in the family. His Hunt ability allows him to track any Victim’s movements by any footprints they’ve left behind.
- Level 1
- Decrease Tracking Cost: Consumption rate for footprint tracking reduced by 7%.
- Increase Clue Range: The detection range of clues left by Victims is increased by 15%.
- Quicker Recharge: Increases ability bar recharge rate by 14%.
- Level 2
- Decrease Tracking Cost: Consumption rate for footprint tracking reduced by 21%.
- Increase Clue Range: The detection range of clues left by Victims is increased by 30%.
- Quicker Recharge: Increases ability bar recharge rate by 34%.
- Level 3
- Analyze Clues Faster: Clues left by Victims can be analyzed 50% faster.
- Footprint Freshness: Changes the color of footprints based on how recently they were left.
- Increase Trail Range: Increases the range of footprint trails by 100%.

Sissy can be played as another trap character (like Hitchhiker). Her Bane ability allows her to blow a cloud of poison out to damage and block where a victim is heading. Alternatively, she can also use it to poison important items on the map, like the valve wheel or fuse.
- Level 1
- Increases Cloud Duration: Increases poison cloud duration to 50 seconds.
- Increase Poison Duration: Increases the amount of time a Victim is affected by poison to 12 seconds.
- Create Poison Faster: Reduce the time to create poison at mortar and pestle tables to 3 seconds.
- Level 2
- Increases Cloud Duration: Increases poison cloud duration to 55 seconds.
- Increase Poison Duration: Increases the amount of time a Victim is affected by poison to 13.5 seconds.
- Create Poison Faster: Reduce the time to create poison at mortar and pestle tables to 2 seconds.
- Level 3
- Poison Pickup Locations: Poison can now be applied to bone scrap piles and toolboxes.
- Toxic Cloud: The poison seeps into the Victim’s wounds, causing them to lose health for a short period of time.
- Poison Electronics: Poison can now be applied to generators and car batteries, affecting Victims who use them.

Nancy is another trap character that excels when prioritizing defense. However, her Spy ability gives her an offensive (or strategic) edge by allowing her to see through a Victims’ eyes and pinpoint their location on the map.
- Level 1
- Increase Spy Duration: Increase the amount of time your Spy ability is active by 40%. Does not stack.
- Quicker Recharge Rate: Increase the rate your ability bar recharges by 20%. Does not stack.
- Reduce Ability Cooldown: Reduces recharge time between ability used by 3 seconds.
- Level 2
- Increase Spy Duration: Increase the amount of time your Spy ability is active by 55%. Does not stack.
- Quicker Recharge Rate: Increase the rate your ability bar recharges by 40%. Does not stack.
- Reduce Ability Cooldown: Reduces recharge time between ability used by 6 seconds.
- Level 3
- Spy Closest Victim: Always Spy on the Victim closest to you.
- Spy Furthest Victim: Always Spy on the Victim furthest from you.
- Clear Vision: While using your Spy ability, the vision is much clearer.
That covers all the character abilities in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. If you want to know how to further improve any of these characters, check out our guide for leveling up skills and perks. All your other slaughtering questions can be found with our Texas Chain Saw Massacre guides hub.