We Were Here Too is all about teamwork. The Lords can’t hope to escape the castle without the help of the Peasants, and vice versa. The Lords have a similar task as the Peasants: finding clues in their surroundings and pairing them with the Peasant’s clues. Here’s what you’ll need to do.
All Lord Puzzle Solutions for We Were Here Too
The goal of the game is to find the way out of the castle by solving various puzzles from the perspective of a Lord and his Peasant. The task of solving puzzles as a Peasant is a bit different than solving as a Lord since the items and surroundings will vary depending on the role you’re in.
There are six different rooms to escape from, each with their different puzzles. If you can’t find the solution to some of the puzzles and don’t want to waste more time on them, follow this guide from the Lord’s perspective below for all the necessary information.
Room 1 Puzzle Solutions
Step 1 – Find Symbols Behind Bars & Hit Lever
In order to leave the castle, you’ll have to pull the levers locked behind the doors in each room. To unlock the lever door in the first room as a Lord, you need to give your Peasant information about the three symbols, which you can find near the floor behind the bars.
As soon as your Peasant figures out the three symbols on his side of the castle, the door to the lever will be unlocked. Go inside and pull the first lever.
Step 2 – Find Symbols Above Coffins
Look around for the other three symbols above the coffins in the same room and give them to your Peasant. This will help them unlock the door to the next room.
Room 2 Puzzle Solutions
Step 1 – Describe Candle Order
There are three puzzles in Room 2. The first one is a book with candles in the middle of the room. Walk up to it and describe the order of the candles to your Peasant, as marked from one to six on the book. They have to light up the candles in that order on their side. You’ll want to describe the candles based on their locations (for example, at the very bottom in the middle, then at the bottom on the left, etc.)
Step 2 – Describe Glowing Banners & Hit Lever
When your Peasant is done, the symbols on the banners in the room will start to glow. Describe them to your partner so they can solve them on their side. A door will open when they do, allowing you to progress to another lever. Switch it on to continue.
Step 3 – Describe Order of Symbols
Now, locate some glowing symbols on the floor behind the candle book. You’ll need to describe to your Peasant the order of the symbols from left to right, so they can enter them in correctly on their side.
Step 4 – Place All the Wooden Cubes On the Correct Altars
Lastly, you’ll have to go through a series of chambers holding wooden cubes with triangular signs. Your partner needs to tell you the position of these cubes so that you can place them on altars in each chamber.
As soon as you open all of them, the puzzle will be solved, and the door to the next room will be unlocked.
Room 3 Puzzle Solutions
Step 1 – Hit the Lever & Describe Knights and Banners
In the third room, the lever is located right in front as you enter the first hallway. You’ll want to hit it right away. After that, all you need to do in this room is describe some objects to the Peasant. Go further into the room and look at the knights holding weapons and shields. Describe them and the symbols above them on the banners to your partner. This will help them unlock the gates to the next room.
Room 4 Puzzle Solutions
Step 1 – Hit the Lever & Describe Stained-Glass Windows
The last lever can be found at the entrance of Room 4 to your right. Hit the lever, then walk up to a wall with radiant stained-glass pictures. Describe each glass window picture to your Peasant and their order.
Step 2 – Complete the Chess Game
After that, go to your left and walk up to a table with a chess-like game. It will become active after your partner manages to solve the previous puzzle.
Here, you need to work closely with the Peasant, who must tell you how to move the pawn safely around the board. The Peasant will instruct you on how to take out two Knight pieces on the board and continue. As you progress, you will hear characteristic sound cues.
Step 3 – Instruct Your Peasant How to Escape the Maze
When the chessboard drops, the door will open. Now, go through it to a balcony, and you will see your partner in some sort of maze down below. You will have a top-down look at the whole maze and the pathway through it. Give them directions on how to leave the maze as quickly as possible.
Room 5 Puzzle Solutions
Step 1 – Align Symbols & Hit Lever
In Room 5, you’ll see a gate with several symbol dials. You’ll need to work with your partner to switch the dials to matching symbols on both sides of the gate that separates you two. Only one symbol in each dial will match, indicating you have them placed correctly. For example, you may have the arrow with the circle in the top dial, but your teammate doesn’t. Keep switching through the dial until you both have the exact same symbol on the same dial.
When symbols on both sides align, the gate will open. Go to the other side of the gate, unlock the room with the lever using the same combination as the gates, and switch it on.
Room 6 Puzzle Solutions
Step 1 – Hit the Rest of the Levers
Finally, you can leave the castle via an elevator. However, to power on the elevator, you’ll need to finish hitting all the rest of the levers. You’ve been hitting levers in each room leading up to this, but unlike those levers, these ones are just scattered around the immediate area. You’ll just need to find them. Here’s where to look:
- In the room to your left, as you enter the elevator chamber
- The top floor near the exit
- The bottom of the shaft (drop on the roof of the elevator, and you will be able to see it as you descend)
In the end, use the elevator and go back up to the top floor, where you will see the open gateway to freedom.
If you can’t find all the levers, then one of you has to stay and let the other one go by steering the wheel at the bottom of the elevator shaft. But hopefully, you will manage to switch all the levers and can escape together.
Check out more We Were Here Too guides at GameSkinny!